Saturday, April 26, 2014

Tfire Techmarine WIP

If you've seen one Tfire techmarine, you've seen em all.  I think I've squared off against at least 50 angry techmarines that have recently lost their best pal thunderfire cannon to enemy fire...   needless to say folks...  they're usually out for vengeance.  God help us all if its big guns never tire and they're scoring angry vengeful techmarines! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Yellow - Nightmare or Challenge?

I've heard horror stories of painting white, red and yellow power armor and I wonder if it has nothing to do with the painting method or even the colors themselves, but the sheer amount of negative area on a regular space marine?  I'm about to find out.  A lot of folks like me that like the hobby and the game in equal measure are really torn when it comes to complicated paint schemes; on one hand I want to have awesome and masterfully painted models, and on the other I want to get those models on the table as soon as possible.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lysander WIP


I was really impressed with the Asterion Moloc forgeworld model but who wants to build and paint a whole minotaurs army?  wierd!  After I wore down the minotaur icons with my file, greenstuffed up some really obvious mino references and applied some copper Imperial Fist icons, the model was ol captn' lysander!  I've got some work to do on his base; I'm going to file and greenstuff up the ground behind his back leg and make him a bit more dynamic and less "suspended"looking.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"For some, the Great Crusade never ended..."

"For others, the Great Crusade ended long ago.  For us, it will not cease until all the worlds of Mankind are united once more, and the Emperor's golden age returns."
-Captain Darnath Lysander