Monday, August 30, 2010

My Take On New Blood Angels

By: Norbu the Destroyer
After two years of playing the current 40k I finally ventured into running a Marine army. I’ve dabbled with wolves, and I’ve proxied vanilla marines, but I’ve actually given Blood Angels some serious thought and play. Now my view may be skewed as it will be from the eyes of someone who has almost exclusively run Necrons and Daemons, but hopefully it will give you some insight into GW’s latest codex. I have not used all the entries of the codex so I will touch on entries I have had experience with.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

War in the Shadows

Book Review: Nemesis

Now, before those of you who don't read books yell "NERD" and hit the back button, let me tell you about Black Library's latest and greatest in the Horus Heresy series. Nemesis follows the mission of the first ever strike team of assassins as they track the highest priority target of all...Horus. Of course things don't go according to plan because we all know the Emperor strikes down Horus, but this book is full of surprises for those of you who follow the fluff as closely as I do. Nemesis reveals far more about the inner workings of the Assassinorium than I have ever seen before. It also gives us a glimpse into the life and history of rogue traders, which I feel is becoming increasingly harder to find as most people don't remember the days of 1st edition and Rogue Trader.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Storm is Coming

Hello all!  I have some grave news today.  Last time I was in the presence of Norbu the Destroyer, daemon sympathizer and chaos incursion enthusiast, he warned me that the time of the daemon is coming!  He claimed that with so many players veering away from the use of the vanilla marine codex and towards blood angels and space wolves, the fewer null zone librarians will be around to ward off the forces of chaos.  He also mentioned how GW's recent release of yet more plastic daemons will make it even easier for players to field daemon armies.  Yikes!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Wrath of Khan

Hello everyone! When the 5th edtion space marine book came out, one page in the codex stood out to me more than all the others. That page is Kor'sarro Khan's in the character section.  While everyone was drooling over vulkan and lysander, I loved the thought of the new space marine biker army adorned with crazy space-mongol mustaches and waving bolt pistols and chainswords as they wildly crashed into the enemy's flanks!

Welcome to Warptime!

Hello all! I've created this blog with the balanced wargamer in mind. As a tool, the blog will serve as a place where folks can share their views and brainstorm new ideas for any area of wargaming.

(Wait a sec... what is the "balanced" wargamer? Is that like some kind of reference to martial arts?)

Put it this way:

You enjoy bettering your skills on the table top and jacking up your score a few points from your last tournament.

You enjoy modeling and painting your minis and are always looking to learn new hobby techniques.

You enjoy reading the fluff and background of the game and can't wait to pick up the new novel.

You enjoy hanging out with your fellow wargamers and shooting the shit about gaming, the hobby, and what’s happening in the community

If you answered yes to at least two, then chances are you strike a balance.

(Hold it! what if I hate painting!)

That’s absolutely fine, some people don't like to play competitively, and others don't know anything about the background story, though hopefully there will be something on Warptime to get you interested in other areas of your game.

(Hey man, I don't wanna read about space marines or paint my shit!)

The goal of this blog is not to make everyone charmingly fluffy powergamers, its' to have a little something for everyone! Who knows, you may find something that peaks your interest.

(You know... that doesn't sound too bad, I'll give it a shot... but I'm still not reading books!)

No one is making you...
Enjoy your time in Warptime!
